Sport massage deep tissue massage

Sports massage and deep tissue massage both often uses more firmer deeper pressure massage techniques such as deep petrissage and myofascial release to help stretch and increase elasticity to the muscles, myofascia and release fascial restrictions to help relieve mechanical stressors, tension and restore symmetry and balance to the myofascial system in the body. These stressor could be caused from physical activity, sport, injury, surgery or even normal everyday working life. This type of massage can be used be used treat the whole body but can be tailored to more specific areas of the body to:

  • Relieve muscle tension and stress

  • Treat and manage injuries

  • Aid balance between exercise aid recovery

  • Restore balance and restrictions in soft

The main difference is that deep tissue massage can be more generalised and often have a more rhythmic relaxing flow, whereas sports massage can be more dynamic use more advanced massage treatment techniques and used to treat more specific areas of the body. Advanced techniques used in our sports massage can include:

  • Soft tissue release a specific technique used to help stretch muscles and release myofascial restrictions.

  • Trigger point Therapy to relieve areas of muscular hyperactivity to relieve pain and dysfunction.

  • Deep friction including cross fibre friction to help reduced scar tissue and promote tissue healing.

  • Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilisation.

  • Percussions techniques including hacking, tapotement, pounding, beating and vibrations. Joint mobilisations.
